Stay Healthy in the Office

Over the last few days, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine has announced that a new study demonstrates that there is a strong relationship between windowless offices and office workers’ sleep, activity and quality of life. This won’t come as a surprise to many of us. The Engineering industry is full of windowless environments – [&hellip

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Sunday Muse: Scorchio Edition

What an absolutely gorgeous weekend we are having here in the UK this weekend!  I’ve had my shorts on for what must be the first time in 2 years!  Its been a great chance to catch up on a few jobs outside too. Had a few tasks to do yesterday.  We went to go and [&hellip

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Improve your Time Management with a Time Log

Have you heard of a Time Log?  Its not how bears keep track of time in the woods.  We all strive for our ideal life.  But how many of us don’t achieve it because we end up getting bogged down with work and chores.  Wouldn’t it be great if we could get it all under [&hellip

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Sunday Muse: Not Sunday Edition

I know, I know, its not Sunday!  I apologise for posting this late, but I’ve been away over the weekend with friends.  We’ve just got back today.  We went up to Centreparcs for a weekend of fun and frivolities.  Absolutely shattered now, but if I don’t get this post out today then it won’t happen! [&hellip

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Parkinson’s Law: Squeeze more from your day

“Work expands to fill the time available for it’s completion” Parkinson’s Law This rule is commonly referred to as Parkinson’s Law, attributed to the British historian and author, Cyril Northcote Parkinson.  He first used it in an article for The Economist, and later wrote an entire book on it, entitled “Parkinson’s Law: The Pursuit of [&hellip

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Sunday Muse – May Bank holiday Edition

I’ve had a really exciting week – a big milestone for Babbling Engineer.  We broke the 1000 unique visits in a day barrier!  In fact, we trounced it!  Ever since the Nook Rooting article went live, we’ve been flirting with the 1000 limit.  However, on Tuesday when I logged in to check the stats, my [&hellip

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Going Against The Grain

As a child, we were always keen to follow the pack.  To do whatever all the other cool kids were doing.  Sometimes that got us into trouble.  The grownup’s response was usually something along the lines of “If everyone was jumping off a cliff, would you do it to?” Fast forward 20 years and we’re [&hellip

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Sunday Muse – New Beginnings Edition

Today I am going to start a new series of articles, which I am hoping to continue regularly, called Sunday Muse.  Essentially it will be a bit of a look back over the week, covering any good articles or podcasts I have checked out over the week, activities I’ve been up to and any thoughts and ideas [&hellip

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How to Generate a Secure Password

In today’s digital age, your password is the key to your digital door.  Why, then, do so many of us use a cheap, plastic padlock?  Today I’m going to discuss some ways we can upgrade our padlock to a 5-lever mortice lock!   It sometimes feels like nowhere is safe.  Just within the last 6 months, Evernote, [&hellip

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Which Communication Method is Best for You

We are currently in the communication age.  Over the years, the number of channels of communicating with each other has increased at an astounding rate.  We can now telephone, SMS, email, Facebook, video-conference, Skype, let alone write a letter.  Its understandable that we suffer from communication overload.  One way in which we can combat that, [&hellip

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